In our blog today we are going to look at five out of the many ways a mobile app can increase your business revenue.
Many business owners see the expense of building and launching a mobile app as an unnecessary or a luxury liability for your business. In reality, however, a mobile app can revolutionize your revenue streams, promote loyalty and substantially improve your digital footprint for your business. Furthermore, mobile apps can engage your current and potential customers in ways no other effort can.
Let's look at five ways mobile apps can achieve all these things:

• Push Notifications: Push notifications will allow you to be in your customer's subconscious. Chances are that your customer has plenty of other options in your industry, and given that circumstance, the margin for error is very small. Through push notifications you can provide your customers with coupons, discounts, promotions, contests and much more. Your ability to communicate with your audience at any time is greatly enhanced. When it comes to winning your customer's business on a regular basis, half of the battle is knowledge. By letting them know what you have to offer, and how your products or services will improve their personal lives, you are gaining a competitive advantage over your competitors. And unlike email, social media or other marketing efforts, push notifications get read 90% of the time.
• Personal Data
Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms have gotten in trouble lately for sharing people's information without their knowledge. A business app has a completely different approach because when labeled properly, users are
providing you their information directly without having to rely on the Facebooks of the world to provide that information to you. This data allows you to customize and specifically target each user in the best way possible. Not only for you, but for them as well. It's all about adding value to the customer's lives, and this can only happen when you're armed with proper data. No other platform or effort will provide you this kind of unfiltered data, and this alone, can be the most valuable factor for your business success.
• Competitive Advantage
As a business owner you are looking for competitive advantages that will make your business successful. A mobile app creates your very own marketing platform where you are not competing with everyone else in your industry. Are you advertising on TV? Radio? Social Media? Direct mailers? There are dozens, hundreds if not thousands of your competitors on that platform already. If you want to stand alone and gain that competitive advantage, a mobile app will facilitate success.
• Build your Branding
A mobile app brings credibility to your business. Just about anyone can have a website now days. But a mobile app further reinforces your digital footprint, it helps solidify your SEO efforts, it promotes social media engagement, and it helps you stay relevant in a competitive marketplace. Your logo, your mission and your products/services remain in your customer's subconscious.
• Improve your customer's lives
Promote your loyalty programs, offer discounts to loyal customers, facilitate pre-orders to help your customer avoid lines, promote bookings well in advance. A mobile app can be your best customer service department. No hold times and no cheesy music.

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